As the use of social media continues to grow, so does the need for businesses to have a strong social media presence. Having an active […]
The 10 Most Dangerous Threats Your Company Faces Online
Have you fully grasped the dangers that lurk online and how they affect your business? As we venture further into the online world of business […]
Best Drones & Accessories for Your Summer Photography Project
Drones are the latest craze in photography. For years photographers have been struggling to capture those perfect aerial shots. But drones-at least the ones you […]
3 Reasons Why Businesses Should Monitor Their Cyber Security
As cyber-attacks become more common, businesses need to consider cyber security monitoring. Here are three reasons why businesses should adopt this approach: To track progress […]
Robot Helpers Among Showcase of Digital Innovations Improving Adult Social Care
The always-on connectivity of mobile devices, online social networks, and robotics are allowing people to live richer, more independent lives. Digital innovations such as virtual […]
Will Robots Have a Place in Society in the Future
The technological innovations of the past decade have given rise to a new era of robotics. With the rapid expansion of artificial intelligence and machine […]
The Risks Faced When Exposed Excessively to Computer Games
Children and adults alike love video games, and with good reason. Games are fun, they involve a lot of action and movement, and for some, […]
Impacts of Information Technology (IT) on Civilization in Today’s World
Human societies have depended on information technology (IT) and communicative devices to enhance communications, enhance education and learning, and increase productivity. However, the current emphasis […]
What are the Three Different Types of AI?
Artificial intelligence (AI) is a hot buzzword these days. From self-driving cars to virtual assistants, it has infiltrated every aspect of our lives. While certain […]
Should I Repair My Computer or Purchase a New One?
Have you ever been wondering, “Should I repair or replace my computer?” Computers are expensive and not something you want to throw away. Instead of […]